1. Video tutorials:
- Using The CC Terminal
- Settlement on the CC Terminal
- Void an incorrect transaction on the CC Terminal
- Correct a Tip on the CC Terminal
- Replace the Paper Roll on the CC Terminal
- Carbon Copy of the Credit Card
2. Verbal Quiz:
3. Opening Procedures:
- Have the trainee open the shift
- Make sure it takes them only about 5 minutes to do so
4. Credit Card Terminal. Carbon Copy. Charge The Credit Card:
Using your card make all the CC Terminal procedures:
- Charge a card
- Add a tip
- Correct a tip
- Void a charge
- Make a settlement
Make a Carbon Copy of the Credit Card
5. Practice:
- Intensive practice of the whole process excluding the printer portion
- At the end of training make sure they can use the CC Terminal and all the procedures without your help
6. Closing Procedures:
Have the trainee close the shift
7. Closing the training:
- Let them know how they did.
- Agree on the time and date of the next training.
- Remind them how they can access the video tutorials.
- Show them the tutorials for the next training day and go over the topics.
- Remind them to come in prepared
- Email them with the confirmation of the date and the time of the second training, including the links to the tutorials