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Inpostcard was founded in 2014 by a group of partners who had 15 years of experience in the event photography business. Inpostcard and their partners are currently working in several states and also internationally. They work in California, Nevada, Hawaii, New York, Illinois and Canada.


We are hiring you as a Photo Host – this is only the first step in our career ladder. This it how it works:


  • Junior Photo Host. This is your first month after you’ve completed training.

  • Then you become an Advanced Photo Host.

  • 3 to 6 months and then you become a Supervisor or Trainer

  • After 6 months to a year, you can become an Account Manager once a new location is open


The Pay for these positions will increase with each step.


How the pay works and how salaries are calculated:

We do guarantee a minimum wage, however we are interested in people that want to get above minimum wage. Salary in our company is based on commission. It starts from 23% to 30% of your sales and is there for self-motivating. This system allows our employees to make $12/hour starting from their first week working as a Junior Photo Host. It motivates them to grow quickly in this business.


Rates for our positions are as follows:

- A Junior PH makes 23% commission, which becomes $12-13/hr

- An Advanced PH makes 26% commission, which usually comes to about $13-15/hr

- A Supervisor and Trainer make 30% commission (hourly that’s about $18 and up and then $12/hr for interviewing and training).

Remember, there is no limit. Higher sales will provide higher pay.

Now, of course all these positions, if the commission is lower than the state’s minimum wage, we will pay minimum wage.


Our Target Sales are based on Dollar per Guest Count. This is a ratio at any restaurant that we work with.  We have years of experience to back up our expectations. Therefore we work with the restaurants that have a Guest Count of 2000-3000 per week or higher, meaning 2000-3000 guests go through the restaurant per week. At some resort locations we even have a $2 and $3 per guest ratio. These target sales are the annual weekly average, and they can vary depending on a season.


In order to achieve these target sales we have sales plans that we coach you to achieve.


Sales plans:

For Junior PH our sales target rate is $54 in sales per hour (converted to hourly pay this is $12.42/hr at 23% commission)


For an Advanced Photo Host our sales target rate is $58 in sales per hour (converted to hourly pay that is $15.08/hr at 26% commission)


For a Supervisor our sales target is $60 in sales per hour (converted to hourly pay that is $18 an hour with 30% commission)


It’s important to keep in mind that we calculate salary weekly. If for some reason target sales are not reached in one day  - we have the rest of the week to achieve the Weekly Target.


It is also important to keep the Weekly Target number in mind as a goal – even a small sale will play a big in achieving it.


How is the weekly target calculated

Your position rate multiplied by weekly hours.

For example, a junior photo host has a rate of $54 per hour, multiply that by the hours for the week, and you get a 1080 in sales.



This is a part-time job, so expect from 20 to 29 hours or 3-5 days a week.


The Skills you will gain working with us:

-A Junior and Advanced PH will learn to set goals and achieve them. Will learn about Business Ethics, Advanced Photo Techniques, Public Speaking, Sales Techniques, Customer Service, Team Work, and Sales Achievement.

-As a supervisor and a trainer our employees learn Interviewing, Coaching Techniques, Leadership Skills, Team Leading, Conflict Resolution and Sales Achievement.

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